Media Hub

Feb 2020

New research announced into hard-to-treat cancers

Cancer Focus Northern Island have announced a £300,000 investment in pioneering research at Queen’s University Belfast into two cancers which are among the hardest to treat and have very low survival rates. The five-year survival rate in England for pancreatic cancer is 6.9% and for oesophageal cancer approximately 15%. In Northern Ireland, the statistics are…

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Nov 2019

Hope raised for treating pancreatic tumours as scientists discover new drug combination

Scientists have discovered that certain drugs, when taken together, can shrink pancreatic tumours, raising hope for what is known as the deadliest form of cancer, with recent figures suggesting that as little as five per cent of patients surviving for five years after being diagnosed. The researchers found that a one-two punch combination of the…

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Sep 2019

New pancreatic cancer urine test could boost survival rates to 60%

Researchers have predicted that a pioneering new urine test for detecting pancreatic cancer could drastically improve survival rates, following a 90 per cent accuracy rate in recent studies. Pancreatic cancer currently has the lowest survival rate, with only around five per cent of patients still alive five years following diagnosis. The new test, which has…

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May 2019

GP survey reveals struggle to diagnose early signs of pancreatic cancer

A recent poll by Pancreatic Cancer UK has revealed that the vast majority of GPs admit they would struggle to recognise the early signs of pancreatic cancer, often calling the disease ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the UK – around 10,000 people are…

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Oct 2018

New drug may boost pancreatic cancer survival rates by 50 per cent

A new treatment that inhibits pancreatic cancer from developing resistance to treatments has shown that it may be a significant breakthrough in the fight against the disease. Pancreatic cancer is the third deadliest cancer type mainly due to the fact that it is often diagnosed too late and chemotherapy also becomes ineffective in fighting the…

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Aug 2018

Possible cure on horizon for pancreatic cancer through ‘very promising’ drug

Scientists have discovered a new drug, which has ‘potentially very promising results’ for pancreatic cancer. In recent trials, mice with the disease were cured after being treated with medication that uses their immune cells, known as white blood cells, to attack the cancer cells, by taking the white cells and engineering them so that they…

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