Dispute Resolution

Data Protection GDPR breaches


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 provide that organisations and public bodies who hold your personal data must do so for a specific defined purpose. These also provide that they must have, and tell you, of the lawful basis for which they hold your data.

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They have an obligation to keep your data secure.

If an organisation fails to do any of these things, and particularly if they lose your data, or it becomes destroyed or finds its way into the hands of anyone else without your permission, then you are entitled to bring a claim for financial compensation.

Our Regulatory team are specialists in dealing with all data protection issues. Not only do the team help and advise organisations but also act on behalf of people whose data has not been handled correctly and to assist them in bringing a claim for compensation. Because we deal also with businesses we understand their obligations and can quickly determine whether or not they have complied with these.

A claim for compensation is different to and irrespective of any action that may be taken against an organisation by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The amount you are entitled to depends on the particular circumstances. It very much depends upon what the organisation or public body has done (or not done) and the impact upon you as a result, which may include financial loss, stress, and anxiety.

We will usually be able to deal with your claim on what is known as a conditional fee agreement (No Win / No Fee). For help and advice and for an initial consultation please contact either nicholasworsnop@chadlaw.co.uk or harveyblake@chadlaw.co.uk or call 0800 015 0340