Family Solicitors

Cohabitation Agreements

Living together without marrying has become an increasingly popular option for many couples.  Our expert Family Lawyers have advised many couples in this situation, some who want to enter into a Cohabitation Agreement.

Unfortunately, we find that many cohabiting or unmarried couples are not always fully aware of their legal rights.  Many tend to rely on the myth that in living together they are acquiring rights as a “common law spouse”.

It is important therefore to give some thought to your arrangements before you live together.  We can provide advice on the important matters to consider as well as how the Court may view your arrangements given the nature of your relationship.

Our team of specialist family lawyers have advised many clients on the merits of entering into Cohabitation Agreements as a way of protecting their rights and setting out how assets will be dealt with should the relationship breakdown, thus minimising the stress and costs of any later Court proceedings.

For more information on Cohabitation Agreements please contact us.

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