Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

On this page, you will find regularly updated guidance pursuant to announcements made by the Government.

If you require any further, specific advice or guidance, please contact the team on 0800 015 0340 or email

COVID-19 Guidance Videos



Vaccines and Data Protection: What employers need to think about

GDPR and vaccines – See our guide for further information

Employment: Developing a COVID Vaccination Policy (18.01.2021)

Implementing a COVID Vaccination Policy – See our guide for further information

Employment Law: Furlough & Christmas Holidays (02.12.2020)

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Extended (06.11.2020)

Job Support Scheme – Further Guidance Issued (22.10.2020)

Winter Economy Plan Announced (24.09.2020)

Launch of the Kickstart Scheme (02.09.2020)

Summer 2020 – Economic Update (08.07.2020)

Flexible Furlough – New Guidance Issued (13.06.2020)

Self-Isolation – Foreign Travel and Test & Trace (30.05.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Changes (30.05.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Update (25.05.2020)

Covid 19 Update (11.05.2020)

Returning to Work Update (28.04.2020)

Coronavirus Employment Law Update (25.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Update (17.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Update Guidance (15.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Update (10.04.2020)

Job Retention Scheme Portal Update (08.04.2020)

Furloughed Worker Guidance Update (04.04.2020)

COVID-19 Update (02.04.2020)

Full Furloughed Worker Guidance (26.03.2020)

Closure of Workplaces & Furloughed Workers Update (25.03.2020)

Furloughed Workers & Government Updates (23.03.2020)

Business Support Measures (20.03.2020)

Daily Update Following the Coronavirus Bill & Boris Johnson’s Comments (19.03.2020)

How do we deal with vulnerable adults who are also employees? (19.03.2020)

How will school closures affect me and how should I act now? (19.03.2020)

What should I do if my employee wishes to self-isolate to care for a vulnerable relative? (19.03.2020)

The below video summarises the current position on self-isolation, return from travel abroad, sick pay, putting homeworking in place, prioritising and risk assessing employees, business planning such as negotiating unpaid leave and redundancy and the latest announcement on business support measures: