Media Law and Reputation

Privacy and Confidence

In an ever developing and critical world, individuals are often subject to a high level of public scrutiny, be that on line or elsewhere.

Sometimes, it is the case that there may be information about you on the internet that you would rather was not present. In these circumstances, Chadwick Lawrence may be able to assist you exploring removal from search platforms.

Examples of personal information about you could include, but not be limited, to:-

  • Personal financial information;
  • Health or medical history; or
  • Details about past criminal convictions.

The team at Chadwick Lawrence has experience advising Company Directors and individuals in relation to their right to be forgotten, including when for example personal information is being used as a personal attack. Chadwick Lawrence have successfully negotiated resolutions to matters whereby past criminal convictions have been used to harm high level company executives, seeking to put right harm caused and seeking to prevent this from happening in the future.

Chadwick Lawrence can explore with you the most effective (both from a legal and costs perspective) way to resolve matters and you should not hesitate to contact us to explore this further.

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