Corporate and Contracts

Commercial Contracts

All trading businesses, whatever their size, enter into legally binding contracts on a regular basis; they are the lifeblood of any business whatever its size. Sometimes they are written down but sometimes they are more nebulous. Our team of commercial contract solicitors have experience in drafting contracts for a range of different purposes, businesses and industries.

An effective and enforceable written contract can be the key for any business as:

  • It helps to create certainty both as to the terms of the contract itself and when it was entered into.
  • It ensures both parties know exactly what has been agreed and prevents costly disputes
  • If there are any disputes the parties have a clear and concise document to refer to
  • Whether you are the buyer or seller, contracting on your terms can help improve your position and protect your business.

The Chadwick Lawrence contracts team specialise in drafting:

  • Standard terms and conditions for the supply of goods and/or services
  • Standard purchasing terms
  • Terms and conditions for online sales
  • Bespoke contracts tailored to your needs

We have a wide range of experience in drafting contracts for standard terms for individual sellers for use in their day to day sales to complex international franchising agreements.

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0800 015 0340

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