Employment Law Update with Hays Recruitment

Nov 2018

Employment Law Update with Hays Recruitment

Chadwick Lawrence’s’ Employment Law Team invites you for a practical seminar session on the recent updates in employment law we have seen in 2018; and how these might affect your business.

Over the past year, employment lawyers and HR professionals have seen a dramatic change in ‘worker’ status’. Businesses have increasingly contracted with independent persons albeit on a continuing basis to evade the minimum rights that workers are legally entitled to. This has given rise to the ‘gig-economy’.  This session will discuss:

  • What the difference between self-employed, worker and employee is;
  • The evolution of employment status;
  • What the ‘gig-economy’ is and how it might impact your business;
  • Recent case law developments on worker status;
  • Where we can see the future of employment status going and;
  • Interactive case study on employment status.