Yorkshire Lawyer Network

Referral and Support for Lawyers, Supplied by Lawyers

The Yorkshire Lawyer Network is a professional network which is free to join and free to leave. It provides an invaluable support service for legal practices.

It essentially works by member firms referring clients to Chadwick Lawrence in instances where they themselves are unable to act, for example;

  • Specific expertise required
  • Conflict of interest
  • Volume of work

A generous fee share ensures that participating firms continue to benefit from their referrals from beginning to end.

In addition, member benefits also include a number of free SRA accredited seminars each year, giving staff from member firms CPD opportunities to develop and update their knowledge and skills.

Seminar Programme 2018

Flyer 2018 Programme

Please contact us to find out more:  yorkshirelawyernetwork@chadlaw.co.uk or 01484 468344