Feb 2018
Business Owners – Planning for a Successful Future
A joint breakfast seminar run between Chadwick Lawrence Solicitors and Lifetime Financial Management.
As well as enjoying a free breakfast on us, the seminar will offer business owners an opportunity to consider appropriate exit strategies for themselves and their business.
In particular the Corporate and Commercial team at Chadwick Lawrence will discuss the advantages of having shareholders agreements, the possibility of introducing employee share options and how to plan for a successful exit.
Rupert Smith and William Bottomley from Lifetime Financial Management will then Discuss how to provide the funds required for effective shareholder agreements and how Financial Planning can impact on successful exit planning for Business owners.
If you would like further information or to register your interest please contact Neil Hodgson/Adele Guest at Chadwick Lawrence on 01226 208600/01924 379 078 or n.hodgson@lifetime-fm.com/adeleguest@chadlaw.co.uk
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