Aug 2017
Legal Question and Answer with Daniel Krigers
The Yorkshire Post recently approached partner Daniel Krigers to take part in a Legal Question and Answer session on his views into how the legal world has changed in his eyes. Read the full article below.
What’s the biggest development you have seen in the legal world during your career?
Having trained and been in practice for the last 10 years, the development of alternative business structures was supposed to herald a revolution in the way legal services were delivered and legal practices were run. We have certainly not seen the anticipated changes, so I would say the diversity in undertaking legal training and career development is perhaps the most significant change I have seen during my career. Having undertaken all of my study part-time whilst working as a paralegal, it is becoming increasingly notable how many trainees are taking a less conventional route into practice.
What law would you like to see changed?
A month ago I would have said that the abolition of employment tribunal fees was top of my agenda. As a practicing employment lawyer, on an almost daily basis I would come across individuals who had meritous claims but very limited means to fund them; imposing fees restricted access to justice to the extent that there was an almost 80% reduction in claims immediately following the introduction of the new provisions.
Thankfully, the Supreme Court have taken care of this issue in July 2017. Putting this to one side, therefore, I would like to see employment legislation post-Brexit offer more certainty for employers, particularly on complex issues such as holidays and working time.
What’s the most exciting work you have ever done?
Our Firm have a number of relationships with sports clubs and, in particular, we are an official partner of Huddersfield Town Football Club. I am able to say that I have worked very closely with the Club during their transition to the Premier League and have been fascinated by the scope of advice I have been involved in giving. I should also say I am a lifelong fan which makes it all the more exciting!
Who do you admire most in the legal world?
I would look no further than our current Managing Partner Neil Wilson. When I started back in 2005 as an office assistant, it was Neil who offered the opportunity of developing my career with the Firm and, as a fellow employment lawyer, he has taught me (almost!) everything I know today. His approach towards developing and maintaining client relationships is second to none and our practice goes from strength to strength under his leadership.
What advice would you give someone starting out in the profession?
Be prepared to take an unconventional route. We have a team of 9 in the employment department and very few have qualified in what could be termed a ‘traditional’ manner. We have people on legal apprenticeships, legal executives, members with a HR degree, those who have joined us in a support role initially and, of course, myself who started out as an office assistant. The more on-the-job experience you have as you are training, the better in my view.
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