Jan 2018
Data Protection Compliance – Act Now!
Audit | Recommend | Implement
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018 and overhauls data protection law in the UK. The new legislation places greater emphasis on compliance with data protection.
The GDPR will affect all businesses. It places greater prominence than before on documenting compliance with security, sharing and retention of data. Businesses must be able to demonstrate how they are complying with their obligations if requested to do so by the Information Commissioner.
Failure to comply with the GDPR can lead to extremely heavy financial penalties as well as court action from individuals affected by any breach of data security.
With only a few months left until implementation, it is vital that you understand your obligations, that your systems are audited, agreements with those with whom you share your data and internal and external policy documentation are put in place.
How we can help you
Audit: Our self-service questionnaire helps to identify the current position with regard to your data; for example, where is it stored? Who is it shared with? How is it processed? Who has access? How do you communicate with employees and customers? How do you rectify and erase data? Upon completion, we hold a discussion with you to identify levels of compliance and areas of risk for the business.
Recommend: After the audit stage, we prepare a report outlining our recommendations as to what action you should take to achieve compliance with GDPR. This involves practical advice, in plain English, and suggestions on policy documentation which you can implement.
Implement: Following on from our recommendations, we can help you to achieve full compliance through policy documentation including for your staff, data processors, dealing with subject access requests, data retention, and customer consent/privacy.
Get in touch
Contact Nicholas Worsnop to discuss further: 0113 225 8811 or nicholasworsnop@chadlaw.co.uk
Our charges
For the audit and written report with our recommendations our fees are as follows:
Size of business Cost of audit & recommendations
Up to 50 employees £950 + VAT
51-100 employees £1,250 + VAT
101-250 employee £1,500 + VAT
> 250 employees £2,000 + VAT
Fees are payable 50% upon submission of your completed questionnaire with the balance due upon submission of and within 14 days of our written report.
Within the report, we will provide you with details of additional fees for any additional work you would like us to undertake.
GDPR – Act Now (Download as PDF)
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