Jan 2019
Are waiting times for GP appointments getting longer?
According to figures published earlier this month by NHS Digital, just under 20 per cent of patients waited longer than a fortnight for a routine GP appointment.
Although it is the first time such figures have been released and there are therefore no figures to compare them with, previous research has shown that pressure on GP services has grown over recent years and experts say they expect the waiting times to increase.
Royal College of GPs head Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, said “This is a real problem. It’s something we predicted. Unfortunately, it’s the inevitable consequence of a shortage of GPs.”
According to a paper published by medical journal Lancet in 2016, in the seven years to 2014 GP workload had increased by 16 per cent and that GP consultations were longer and more frequent.
It is increasingly the case that standard appointments are often not long enough, due to factors such as an increasing number of patients with complex medical needs and an ageing population.
Dr Kamal Mahtani, associate professor in primary care at the University of Oxford, and GP, said “You’ve got 10 minutes to talk about their diabetes, their high blood pressure, their mood and look at the patient more holistically.
“So a GP might end up having to say ‘We’ve dealt with X and Y today, but I’ll need to see you again’ and that has a knock-on effect.
“If you’re not feeling well, go and see the GP. If you need a flu jab, go and see a GP – as if we’re a one-stop shop.”
An official from the Royal College of GPs said “We’re now 1,000 short of the number of GPs we had when they promised 5,000 more – so now we’re looking for 6,000.”
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Posted by Tony May, Partner/head of Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (tonymay@chadlaw.co.uk ), medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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