Aug 2015
Think tank report says more investment needed for NHS
According to a report by the King’s Fund and the Health Foundation think tanks, a “transformation fund” of £1.5bn a year needs to be invested in addition to the £8bn which has been promised by the government by the year 2020, which would pave the way for investment in new areas of care.
The Health Foundation’s chief economist, Anita Charlesworth, said “While we recognise that it is challenging to provide additional funding for the NHS in the context of other services receiving cuts, the alternative is to risk a decline in quality and safety in NHS-funded care and a reduction to the services currently available.
“Without more resources specifically for transformation, the NHS will be unable to become more productive and the bill for additional running costs will only get larger.”
She went on to say “The transformation fund should become a fundamental part of the DNA of the health service from here onwards.”
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Posted by Karen Motley, Paralegal, Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (karenmotley@chadlaw.co.uk ), News lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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