Feb 2017
‘Sustainability and transformation plans’ could lead to closure of dozens of A&E and maternity units
A report by the King’s Fund has urged MPs to back proposals by local health managers to redesign NHS services in a bid for them to be run more cost effectively and offer a better standard of care.
The proposals could lead to the closure of maternity wards, accident and emergency units, cancer units and in some cases entire hospitals, and the think tank has warned that patients will be put at risk if the plans do not go ahead.
There are currently 44 sustainability and transformation plans throughout England and health managers have been working on them since early 2016. Although the details have yet to be finalised, draft proposals suggest the closure of 11 maternity units, 24 A&E departments and three hospitals.
Chief executive of the King’s Fund, Chris Ham, said “If you’re not willing to support plans of this kind, essentially you are colluding as politicians in the continuation of unsafe services.
“Where there is a clear case that hospitals cannot continue providing safe, high-quality care because of a shortage of nursing staff, shortage of medical staff and other factors, then a reluctance to engage in difficult conversations about why the case for change is compelling means the public will continue to access services of a lower standard and quality.
“Politicians need to step up to the plate and be brave.”
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Posted by Karen Motley, Paralegal, Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (karenmotley@chadlaw.co.uk), medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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