Mar 2016
Star Wars hit with Health & Safety Prosecution
The production company behind the latest Star Wars movie is to be prosecuted over an injury to Harrison Ford. The actor was injured during the filming of the box office smash, The Force Awakens. The Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) recently announced its prosecution of the Company.
Ford, who was playing Han Solo, was hurt by a hydraulic metal door of a prop during an on-set accident in June 2014 at the world famous Pinewood Studios near London. The actor was side-lined for two months and production was halted whilst he recovered.
The HSE is prosecuting Foodles Production (UK) Limited over the incident. The HSE announced in its statement that it believed there was sufficient evidence to bring four charges relating to health and safety breaches which are of course at this stage only allegations. A HSE spokesperson said “by law, employers must take reasonable steps to protect workers. This is as true on a film set as a factory floor”. Foodles Production (UK) Limited is the company responsible for producing Star Wars and under health and safety law, was also responsible for managing the risks created during production.
In addition to the lost time as a result of the accident, it is believed that Harrison Ford received one million pounds in compensation after spending time in a wheelchair and almost two months with his leg in plaster. The case will be heard at the High Wycombe Magistrates Court on May 12 2016. The case, if proven, will be one of the first high profile cases whereby companies are sentenced under the new sentencing guidelines for health and safety offences.
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