Jan 2018
New Year …… Time to organise your life ?
Many of us will make new years resolutions, to eat or drink less, see more of our family and friends and the popular one of joining a gym, but as January wears on into cold and unpredictable February many of us will see these fall by the wayside.
However, you can make the decision to start your new year by getting your personal affairs in order by considering your Wills, Powers of Attorney and tax planning. It is the best way to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of in the event that you fall ill or pass away, and once you have put the relevant measures in place you can rest easy in the knowledge that it is a resolution you have stuck to.
Did you know that if you were to pass away without leaving a valid Will then your estate would be distributed as per the Rules of Intestacy which means that the people you intend to receive your estate may not benefit. If you have minor children there is a risk that they could be placed in the care system until such time as an agreement can be reached as to where they would live.
Furthermore, if you were to fall ill and suffer from loss of capacity then your family would be unable to deal with your financial affairs such as paying bills and operating your bank accounts unless you have a Power of Attorney in place.
These are just some of the points you should consider when you think about protecting your loved ones from unnecessary stress during difficult times.
If you would like to speak to someone in our dedicated Wills team to arrange an appointment at any of our offices in Halifax, Huddersfield, Wakefield, Horbury, Leeds, Morley or Pudsey please contact us on 0800 015 0340
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