Jul 2018
Medicine to be stockpiled in the event of a no deal Brexit
So that hospitals are able to function in the event of a no deal Brexit, NHS chief Simon Stevens announced today that the NHS will prepare to stockpile equipment and medicines, also saying that there would be ‘immediate planning’ about ‘securing medical supply’.
The health service chief said that the plans would be implemented once the state of the deal was finalised in the autumn.
He said that he would ensure hospitals would be ready for any situation, saying “There is immediate planning which the Health Department, along with other departments, are undertaking around securing medicine supply and equipment under different scenarios.
“And that will obviously crystallise when it’s clear later this autumn what the UK’s position will be.”
James Brokenshire, Communities Secretary, said the government was preparing for ‘all eventualities’, saying “We don’t want to see a no deal and I believe that is an option that can be very firmly avoided, which is why Friday matters, and getting into those negotiations and getting what we all want, which is that positive deal for the EU, for ourselves and ensuring we have that stability into the future.”
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Posted by Tony May, Partner/head of Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (tonymay@chadlaw.co.uk ), medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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