Sep 2016
Hospitals no longer have enough doctors to keep patients safe
Hospitals no longer have enough doctors to keep patients safe
A report by the Royal College of Physicians has claimed that a shortage of hospital doctors has led to patient safety being put at risk.
The report also found that seven in ten hospital doctors cannot have their rota filled and found gaps in hospital staffing, with ten per cent of junior doctors routinely ‘acting up’ to cover for a shortage of consultants.
The report, based on polls of 498 doctors, said “A shortage of doctors in training, combined with growing workloads, means that there are no longer enough doctors to staff our hospitals safely.
“Between 2013 and 2015, the number of doctor vacancies increased by 60 per cent. Seven out of ten doctors in training now report working on a rota with a permanent gap.
“Over half of doctors in training report that rota gaps are having a serious or extremely serious impact on patient care.”
The report went on to say that many doctors are “actively discouraged from taking naps during night shifts. Three quarter of doctors in training go through at least one shift per month with insufficient hydration. Over one third do not drink enough water on seven shifts per month.
“Over one quarter have worked four shifts per month without a meal, while over half have worked at least one shift per month without a meal.”
President of the Royal College of Physicians, Professor Jane Dacre, said “As a doctor, I realise that this is a tough diagnosis for the NHS.
“However, a diagnosis is the first step towards working with colleagues to find solutions. We are keen to find the best treatment for the NHS over the coming weeks, months and years.”
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Posted by Karen Motley, Paralegal, Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (karenmotley@chadlaw.co.uk ), medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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