Oct 2014
Four out of ten NHS hospitals considered unsafe
A damning report by the Care Quality Commission has found that four in ten hospitals are unsafe.
Patients are picking up serious infections and being given the wrong drugs, while the elderly are being neglected and suffering falls due to shortages of staff.
According to the CQC, maternity wards and A&E units are a particular cause for concern.
CQC chief executive David Behan, has said “Far too many hospitals were inadequate on safety.”
The annual report into NHS standards also covers care homes and GP surgeries.
According to the report, “The public is being failed by the numerous hospitals, care homes and GP practices that are unable to meet the standards that their peers achieve and exceed”.
Out of all of the 162 NHS hospital trusts, the CQC has inspected 82, and found that 65, in terms of safety, were found to be either requiring improvement or inadequate.
This means that 41% of all trusts have been found to be inadequate in terms of safety.
Mr Behan said “The majority (of hospitals) required improvement on safety. There is too much variation in quality and safety between services and within service. People need to have confidence that they will get good care.”
Out of 1,725 GP surgeries inspected, one in five were considered to be not meeting necessary safety standards.
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Posted by Karen Motley, Paralegal, Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (karenmotley@chadlaw.co.uk ), Medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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