Aug 2019
The Information Commissioner has announced in a statement that it will investigate the use of live facial recognition technology which is being used in Kings Cross, London.
This follows from the ICO investigating and monitoring trials carried out by the police. The Information Commissioner in her statement says that she is deeply concerned about the growing use of live facial recognition technology in public spaces. This is in both the private and public sector.
The Information Commissioner is continuing to look into all aspects of data protection and this statement is a timely reminder that all of those organisations, whether in the public or private sector that are processing personal data via live facial recognition, have an obligation to ensure that they do so in a way that is fair, transparent and accountable as well as necessary and proportionate, given the invasive nature of such observation.
If your company uses live facial recognition, or has any queries concerning any aspect of the GDPR regime, please contact Nils O’Donoghue – nilso@chadlaw.co.uk (tel – 01924 234252) or Nick Worsnop at NicholasWorsnop@chadlaw.co.uk (tel 01422 336276 or 0113 225 8811).
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