Apr 2020
Empty roads have resulted in extreme speeding in the UK
The current COVID-19 lockdown has resulted in police recording what they described as extreme speeds on deserted roads.
Over the Easter weekend the police have publicised that a motorist was caught speeding at 151mph, and a further driver recorded a speed of 97mph in a 40mph zone.
With roads empty those who are travelling still need to be aware that the speeding laws have not been relaxed and that the police are still recording the speeds of motorists and prosecuting those who break the law. North Yorkshire Police have described some of the speeds recorded as “frankly ridiculous”.
Doctors in an open letter have also ask the government to impose lower speed limits in order to reduce road traffic incidents to ease the burden on the NHS but the government has so far not done so.
Finally, speed awareness courses have also been suspended during the current pandemic which may increase the risk of simply receiving penalty points and leading to an increased possibility of totting 12 penalty points which risks a 6-month driving ban.
Both during and after this current public health crisis if you find yourself facing a driving ban it is vital that you take early and expert legal advice in order to give yourself the best possible chance of saving your driving licence.
Chadwick Lawrence has an enviable record of keeping motorists on the road and should you require advice please contact Nils O’Donoghue or Nicholas Worsnop who are both members of our expert motoring law team on nilso@chadlaw.co.uk or nicholasworsnop@chadlaw.co.uk.
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