Jun 2018
Analysis shows most babies are born spontaneously during night-time hours
A study carried out by University College London has shown that the majority of babies are born between 1am and 7am, with most of those likely to be born at four o’clock in the morning.
This means that over 70 per cent of births take place outside regular working hours and the researchers have said that there could be implications for midwives and doctors as only 28 per cent of births take place between 9am and 7pm on weekdays.
Research author Professor Alison Macfarlane, said that “current trends in obstetric intervention at birth may work in opposite directions.” She said, with induction rates rising, induced births were more likely to occur during the night, while pre-planned caesareans are more likely to be scheduled during the morning.
The Royal College of Midwives’ Sean O’Sullivan said these findings should assist maternity services in organising their staffing rotas, but added that local services would also need to look into the patterns of birth in their areas, and that in planning services, aspects of care must be considered.
Senior policy adviser of the NCT, Elizabeth Duff, said “This study tells us parents aren’t bothered about the timing of the birth as long as it results in healthy mums and babies.
“So it’s worrying that induction appears to be timed so that the babies are most frequently born around midnight, when senior staff are less widely available to assist if complications arise.”
Chadwick Lawrence’s team of medical negligence lawyers have years of experience in high value and complex medical negligence compensation claims and have an excellent record. The team is led by Tony May, a specialist cerebral palsy and birth injury solicitor, who has over 20 years experience in handling cases in which babies have been brain damaged or sustained other injuries as a result of medical negligence. He and his team continue to represent many cerebral palsy children and young adults in medical negligence claims. Tony also acts as the Court of Protection Deputy for many of the cerebral palsy and brain damaged clients that he has represented, so we can continue to support you after your case is settled. Tony can be contacted by email on tonymay@chadlaw.co.uk. Alternatively, please call and speak to any of Chadwick Lawrence’s specialist medical negligence Legal Aid and no win-no fee solicitors for free legal advice on the freephone number below.
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