Jul 2015
17% rise in diabetes-related amputations
Figures released by the NHS show that over 135 patients with diabetes undergo an amputation every week, an increase of 17% in the last five years.
It is estimated that in the UK there are currently 3.9 million adults with diabetes, a 62 per cent increase in ten years, and experts have warned that the increase in the problem has been brought about by the country’s obesity epidemic. 90 per cent of patients suffer from type 2 diabetes, which is mostly linked to being overweight, having a poor diet and a lack of exercise.
However, the Diabetes UK charity has said that if patients were provided with the appropriate care, 80 per cent of amputations could be avoided, as many doctors are missing early signs of the problems in hands and feet.
Poor circulation is caused by both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leading to people with the condition being 15 times more likely to have a limb amputated than those without the condition.
Diabetes UK’s chief executive Barbara Young, has said “The fact that the number of amputations is continuing to rise is a high concern because we know the devastating impact they have on people’s lives. As well as the psychological impact, they also cost lives as most people die within five years of having one.
“We have seen some areas making real efforts to improve the poor state of diabetes foot care, but these figures are a stark reminder that there is still so much more to be done.
“For example, not enough people are receiving their annual foot check and those who do often tell us their check was not very thorough. We need urgent action to address this.”
Tam Fry from the National Obesity Forum, said “There is a direct correlation between the growing number of people who are obese and the rising numbers of people losing limbs because they are diabetic.”
A spokesperson from the Department of Health said “We have launched the first ever large scale programme to help prevent type 2 diabetes, and we encourage everyone to take up foot checks that are offered to them by the NHS.”
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Posted by Karen Motley, Paralegal, Clinical Negligence Department, Chadwick Lawrence LLP (karenmotley@chadlaw.co.uk ), Medical negligence lawyers and clinical negligence solicitors in Huddersfield, Leeds, Wakefield and Halifax, West Yorkshire.
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