Mar 2017
Claimant awarded £7,219.00 after injured thumb in a work accident
During 2015 Yorkshire’s Injury Lawyers were instructed by Mr C who wished to make a claim against his employers for an accidental injured thumb that occurred whilst he was doing some recycling and a piece of metal had lacerated his right-hand thumb.
The claim that Yorkshire’s Injury Lawyers brought on his behalf was based on the fact that the gloves that he had been provided with were not of the correct thickness and texture to avoid him suffering the injury.
We obtained an admission of liability from the insurers instructed by his employers and managed to persuade them to pay for physiotherapy treatment that his doctor told him would help his recovery.
When he had made a more or less full recovery we obtained a medical report on his behalf, obtained photographs of the thumb and took details of his financial losses.
These losses consisted mainly of his loss of earnings and a claim for care/services provided to him by his family and friends when he was unable to look after himself as a result of the injury to his hand.
The insurers for his employers stated that the claim for loss of earnings was excessive, but we obtained from our client all of the necessary salary details to establish that it was correct and the insurers finally gave way.
The first offer from the insurers was in the sum of £5,548.70. We informed our client that we thought that this was not acceptable and, after a good deal of further negotiation, the insurers increased their offer of settlement to £7,219.00, which sum we recommended that our client accept.
At the conclusion of the case our client was so delighted with the settlement that he sent us an e-mail which reads as follows:-
“I received my cheque from you last week and I just wanted to say a very big thank you to you. I am so grateful to you, you’ve always kept me informed from the outset and explained everything very clearly and I’ve received far more than I ever envisaged.
I really can’t thank you enough.”
Yorkshire’s Injury Lawyers is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chadwick Lawrence LLP
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