Jul 2017
£3650.00 for client suffering laceration to arm, claim settled within 3 months
Yorkshire’s Injury Lawyers were contacted in April 2017 by a client who had suffered a laceration to their arm following a shelf falling on to their arm whilst shopping in a store.
After risk assessing the case we agreed to act for the client on a no win no fee basis. A claim for compensation was made against the relevant store and the client’s claim was submitted to the store’s insurers via the Internet Portal system.
The insurers had 2 months to investigate the case but reached a decision to admit liability within 1 month of submission of the claim
Medical records were secured from the Claimant’s General Practitioner and a specialist Doctor was instructed to examine the client and prepare a medical report in respect of the client’s injuries.
Following receipt of the medical report the client was advised on the potential value of the claim and negotiations were entered into via the Portal system.
Eventually settlement was agreed in the sum of £3650.00 which was in the region of £1000.00 more than the realistic valuation the client had been given prior to negotiations commencing. The client was naturally delighted with the settlement achieved
Settlement was achieved within 3 months of instruction using our no win no fee service
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