Media Hub

Nov 2019

Hope raised for treating pancreatic tumours as scientists discover new drug combination

Scientists have discovered that certain drugs, when taken together, can shrink pancreatic tumours, raising hope for what is known as the deadliest form of cancer, with recent figures suggesting that as little as five per cent of patients surviving for five years after being diagnosed. The researchers found that a one-two punch combination of the…

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Oct 2016

GPs miss 2,000 bowel cancer tumours each year

Research has suggested that typical ‘red flag’ symptoms of bowel cancer, such as abdominal pain and weight loss, are being routinely missed by GPs, and that at least 2,000 patients whose conditions are diagnosed in A&E every year could have been picked up earlier. The study, which was carried out by Cancer Research UK and…

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Mar 2016

Brain tumour patients ‘failed for decades’ by health officials

A parliamentary report has concluded that health officials have ‘failed brain tumour patients and their families for decades’, and more investment is needed for research into the condition. According to the report, brain tumour patients are currently being let down at every stage from diagnosis to treatment, and the Petitions Committee said that it did…

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