Media Hub

Apr 2018

Late diagnosis for four in ten prostate cancer patients

Male cancer charity Orchard has commissioned a report, which has found a “worrying trend” in late diagnoses of prostate cancer, with 37 per cent of cases being diagnosed at stages three and four. Recent figures released showed that for the first time in the UK, more men were dying from prostate cancer than female deaths…

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Mar 2018

Study suggests routine prostate cancer tests can do more harm than good

Research funded by Cancer Research UK alongside the Department of Health has suggested that routine tests for prostate cancer do not save lives and can do more harm than good to patients. The trial looked into the effectiveness of PSA (prostate specific antigen) tests, which are available to all men over the age of 50,…

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May 2017

New prostate cancer test could reduce biopsies by 50 per cent

The current method of testing for prostate cancer is fairly unreliable. It frequently produces inaccurate results that can result in patients undergoing unnecessary surgery, putting them at risk of erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence. However, according to researchers, a new blood test, known as IsoPSA, has been shown to detect the cancer more precisely. The new…

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