Media Hub

Jan 2020

Breast cancer overtaken by prostate as England’s ‘most common cancer’

Latest figures show that prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in England, and has overtaken breast cancer for the first time. In 2018, there were approaching 50,000 registered cases, an increase of around 8,000 on the previous year. In that year, 316,680 cancer diagnoses were made, which is the equivalent of 868…

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Dec 2019

Immunotherapy trial offers new hope for men with prostate cancer

A major immunotherapy drug trial has been shown to be effective in some men with advanced prostate cancer who had stopped responding to the main treatment options. Researchers found that a small number of patients, who have been described as “super responders”, remained well even after the end of the trial, despite having a very…

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Sep 2019

Parkinson’s Disease may be slowed down by prostate drug

An international team of scientists have discovered that a drug which is currently used to treat enlarged prostates may also prove to be an effective and powerful medicine against Parkinson’s disease. The medicine, Terazosin, helps to relieve prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by relaxing the muscles of the prostate and bladder. However, researchers at the University of…

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Nov 2018

New NHS operation to improve lives for patients with common prostate condition

A revolutionary new treatment for thousands of men who suffer from a common prostate condition is soon to be made available on the NHS, ending the need for invasive surgery under general anaesthetic. The new 15 minute procedure will also allow patients to return home after just a few hours instead of recovering in hospital…

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Apr 2018

Late diagnosis for four in ten prostate cancer patients

Male cancer charity Orchard has commissioned a report, which has found a “worrying trend” in late diagnoses of prostate cancer, with 37 per cent of cases being diagnosed at stages three and four. Recent figures released showed that for the first time in the UK, more men were dying from prostate cancer than female deaths…

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Mar 2018

46 per cent more cases of prostate cancer detected through MRI scans than biopsies

A major study led by University College London has found that thousands of cases of aggressive prostate cancer could be spotted early through the use of cutting-edge MRI scans rather than having to rely on biopsies. The study also found that the number of patients subjected to painful biopsies was cut by over 25 per…

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