Media Hub

Dec 2019

Immunotherapy trial offers new hope for men with prostate cancer

A major immunotherapy drug trial has been shown to be effective in some men with advanced prostate cancer who had stopped responding to the main treatment options. Researchers found that a small number of patients, who have been described as “super responders”, remained well even after the end of the trial, despite having a very…

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May 2019

Glucosamine supplements may lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Recent research, the findings of which have been published in the British Medical Journal, suggests that glucosamine supplements used as a remedy for joint pain may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nearly 500,000 people took part in the research and one in five of these regularly took glucosamine. The results of the research found…

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Apr 2019

Researchers develop Parkinson’s treatment beyond their ‘wildest dreams’

Researchers in Canada have developed a treatment, which restores the movement of Parkinson’s disease patients by delivering electrical stimulation to their spines. Currently, as the disease progresses, a quarter of patients have difficulty walking, often freezing on the spot and losing their mobility. Lead researcher of the study Professor Mandar Jog, said that the benefits…

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Apr 2019

Drop in life expectancy rates amongst women living in poorest areas of England

Data released by the Office of National Statistics has revealed that life expectancy for women living in England’s most deprived areas has fallen by 100 days in recent years, whilst in the least deprived areas it has increased by 84 days. The gap has also widened for men, albeit less markedly. The data reveals that…

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Nov 2018

Scientists cultivate genetically modified virus that can destroy cancer cells

Scientists at Oxford University have cultivated a genetically modified virus which is able to destroy cancer cells. The virus targets both cancer cells and healthy cells, known as fibroblasts, which protect the cancer from the immune system. Current treatment that destroys fibroblasts, could also kill those in the skin and bone marrow. According to those…

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