Media Hub

Mar 2020

Section: Medical Negligence

Twenty deaths or serious harm cases in maternity linked to North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust since 2008

An independent review into midwifery at North Devon District Hospital in 2017, not released at the time, raised “serious questions” about maternity care. An earlier review in 2013 by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) investigated eleven serious clinical incidents at the unit, dating back to 2008. The report identified failings in the…

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Oct 2018

Inquiry into South Wales maternity unit baby deaths

Cwm Taf Health Board in South Wales are investigating 43 cases of ‘adverse outcomes’ following births, including twenty stillbirths and six neonatal deaths, over a two year period from 2016. Interim director of nursing for the health board, Professor Angela Hopkins, said “We’ve undertaken a review to look at cases when the outcomes for pregnancies…

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