Media Hub

Nov 2018

Patient deaths scandal : support promised for whistleblowers

Amid the scandal over patient deaths at Gosport War Memorial Hospital, the health secretary has promised changes in the way NHS whistleblowers are treated. Nearly 500 patients died between 1987 and 2001 following the prescription of dangerous doses of painkilling medication while under the care of the Gosport trust. In a Commons statement, health secretary…

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Oct 2018

54 patient deaths investigated at Dudley hospital

It was recently announced that Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley is currently being investigated in relation to the deaths of 54 patients in their A&E department within the first six months of this year. The inquiry to establish the circumstances of the deaths has been opened by Mike Bewick, former deputy chief executive of NHS…

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Mar 2016

No prosecutions will be brought in relation to Mid-Staffordshire hospital deaths

Police have revealed that there will be no individual prosecutions in relation to the scandal in which hundreds of patients died. Despite a three year police review, which concluded that a catalogue of ‘organisational and individual failings’ at Stafford Hospital between 2005 and 2009 had contributed to ‘one of the greatest scandals of the NHS’,…

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