Media Hub

Aug 2019

New test leads to rise in bowel cancer screening rate

Recent figures have shown that a simpler new test for bowel cancer has resulted in a significant rise in screening rates in Scotland, and that for the first time uptake has risen to above 60%. Rates of the disease in Scotland are amongst the highest in the western world, which result in around 1,600 deaths…

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Sep 2018

Concerning news over low bowel cancer screening uptake in over 60s

According to research in the European Journal of Cancer, half of people in England who received a home testing kit in 2015 did not use it, with fewer men than women returning the kits. It also emerged that those who lived in poorer areas were less likely to take part in the screening than those…

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Aug 2018

Bowel cancer screening to start at 50

Public Health England have announced that bowel cancer screening in England is to start earlier at the age of 50, claiming that evidence has shown that screening from a younger age would result in more bowel cancers being picked up at an earlier stage. The current age for the first invitation for screening is 60…

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